What Are the Methods Occupational Therapists Use to Stay Updated On Research?


    What Are the Methods Occupational Therapists Use to Stay Updated On Research?

    Occupational Therapists are dedicated to maintaining a cutting-edge practice, as evidenced by an OTD, OTRL, ATAC who emphasizes the use of open journals and Google Scholar. While industry professionals provide their expert strategies, we also include additional answers to showcase a variety of methods they employ to stay abreast of the latest research and interventions. From subscribing to professional magazines to following OT experts on social media, here’s how they keep their practice current and dynamic.

    • Utilize Open Journals and Google Scholar
    • Subscribe to Professional OT Magazines
    • Attend Annual OT Conferences
    • Join Online OT Forums
    • Enroll in Continuing Education Courses
    • Follow OT Experts on Social Media

    Utilize Open Journals and Google Scholar

    Open journals are my first go-to for the latest research. I also like how broad the Google Scholar search engine is. AJOT is another excellent resource, but its searchability is finicky. I often find what I need from AJOT on the Google Scholar search engine first.

    Kathryn HaasOTD, OTRL, ATAC

    Subscribe to Professional OT Magazines

    Occupational therapists often subscribe to professional magazines tailored to their field to stay informed about the latest research, trends, and case studies. These publications frequently highlight cutting-edge therapies, new methodologies, and provide peer-reviewed articles that support evidence-based practice. Not only does this give therapists a regular infusion of updated knowledge, but it also helps them apply the most current interventions with their clients.

    By reading these magazines, they ensure their methods remain relevant and effective. If you're a therapist, consider subscribing to a well-regarded OT magazine today.

    Attend Annual OT Conferences

    Annual conferences are a cornerstone for professional development in the occupational therapy field. These gatherings are organized to bring together a diverse group of therapists, researchers, and educators to share knowledge, best practices, and innovations. Interactive workshops, keynote speeches, and networking events offer ample opportunities to learn from leaders in the field.

    Attending such conferences also often counts towards the professional development requirements many therapists must fulfill. Make plans to attend an upcoming OT conference to broaden your understanding and enhance your practice.

    Join Online OT Forums

    The digital age has introduced numerous online forums where occupational therapists can engage with their peers from the comfort of their own computers or mobile devices. These virtual communities are havens for exchanging ideas, discussing challenging cases, and seeking advice from more experienced practitioners.

    On these platforms, therapists can find support, grow their knowledge base, and keep abreast of emerging research without the need to travel. For occupational therapists looking to stay connected and informed, joining an online OT forum can be a valuable and time-efficient step.

    Enroll in Continuing Education Courses

    Continuing education courses are a formal method through which occupational therapists can advance their knowledge. These courses are structured to provide deep insights into specific areas of practice, often incorporating the latest research and therapeutic approaches. Taking these courses not only helps therapists maintain their licenses but also ensures their treatment techniques remain up-to-date and scientifically sound.

    Furthermore, continuing education helps practitioners specialize in areas of interest or need within the community. Enroll in a continuing education course to refine your skills and deepen your expertise.

    Follow OT Experts on Social Media

    Social media has become a powerful tool for professionals looking to stay on the pulse of their industry, and occupational therapists are no exception. Following established OT experts and influencers on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram allows therapists to gain insights into new research, innovative strategies, and upcoming professional events. These experts often share valuable tips, articles, and personal experiences that can inspire and educate their followers.

    By engaging with these social media accounts, occupational therapists can have instant access to a wealth of information. Start following an OT expert on social media and join the conversation.